Monday, November 5, 2007

A Visit to the County Recorder's Office

I must admit I've made a few trips to the county Recorder's office where I was just lost trying to figure out how to research property information. Every single time, I asked for help, and every single time my questions were answered. Not only that, unless the staff is extremely busy, they will help you learn how to work the machines like a pro.

The Recorder's office is easy to use, and a quick way to get copies of certified deeds or other recorded information. Looking at getting preliminary information about some property you're interested in buying? Ten minutes in front of a computer, and you'll probably find out more than you want to know. (That can be a good thing!).

Many people end up signing up with these companies that offer to provide certified deeds for a big fee, when they really don't have to. I wouldn't call this a scam in the true sense of the word, but an unnecessary service that is thrown at consumers en masse, hoping that a few consumers will unnecessarily give in.

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